Tuesday, 28 May 2013


hello everyone !

To day I  will write of  the more important ideas that I consider of  the video.
 In my opinion  that video is  good because we make  think  of  thing that normallly  we don´t  ask.

I think video present ideas very important because believe that schools are the best place for formation of the  persons and the people dont cuestions this

I think the video is an invitation to ask ourselves how operate as a society  but more important, video is a invitation for ask ourselves for we work of  future psychologistis, because our role as psychologists is essential for the formation of people also that the role of teachers in schools.

this video makes me open my eyes and think that we must look beyond  what what  we see at a glance and make changes to the education system, in psychology, at home,etc.

This video made me think about we should be more attentive to the talents and creativity of children,  for these talents are not lost over time and make this world something different and thereby help many people who need us

for these talents are not lost over time and make this world something different and thereby help many people who need us.  Is time of  to put attention  to the varios form of learning of children because they are  the future and their welfare depends professionals like us.


  1. the schools kill the creativity!

  2. We make changes in the education system, in psychology, in everything!
